6 Yr Old Charlotte Figi’s Uses Medical Marijuana to lessen Seizures

6 Yr Old Charlotte Figi’s Uses Medical Marijuana to lessen Seizures

Charlotte Figi was created on October 18, 2006, along side her twin sibling Chase, to Matt and Paige Figi. She ended up being a pleased child until the first seizure strike her when she had been 3 months old.

In the beginning, it had been had not been one thing to produce her parents worry much, but as the amount was raised to 300 seizures per her life and that of the week whole household ceased become normal.

With an increase of seizures striking her, her cognitive capability had been quickly declining, with no responses were forthcoming to describe why this is happening. It had been after couple of years that medical practioners had been finally in a position to provide a title to her condition. Read more